Classroom News

IDENT-A-KID       This Friday Ident-A-Kid is coming to our school.  They will be making ID badges for the students who have brought back their money and permission slips.         The badges will have the child’s photo, current address, height, weight, eye/hair color, and fingerprint.       In my opinion, no price is too high to put on your child’s safety.  This badge could end up being priceless if something unfortunate happens to your child.  Think about it.  The permission forms with price information are also in the folder.

What We’re Learning

Language: types of sentences   
Reading: Stellaluna 
Math: number concepts and estimating 
Science: plants and animals




·       IDENT-A-KID: Friday, August 27th

 ·       Please fill out and sign important papers that come home in the blue folder ·       Graded papers from previous week will come home on Wednesday
